I've just got a couple tiny harvests from Sunday to share.
The first cherry tomatoes. Two are from Sun Gold and the more orange one with green shoulders is from Be My Baby. None of them were very sweet because they were picked a little too soon.
Teeny tiny ground cherries. These are from fruits that developed before the seedlings were in the ground so they're extra small. They had fallen already from the plants and were protected by their papery husks. Ground cherries definitely have a crunchy texture and light savory flavor, the third one I ate was sweeter reminding me of crunchy Fuyu persimmons.
I was going to harvest kale as well, but we decided to start a 5 day fast tomorrow. Just a little fast to reboot the system. We've done lots of fasts through the years. My husband has done a straight water fast for 21 days, but at most I've only done 14 days. We've, also, done fruit smoothy fasts, and lemon juice fast as well. We usually do them in the spring to kind of clear us out after all those rich meals that people fall into during the winter/holidays.
Please join us for Harvest Monday as presented by Dave at
Our Happy Acres. A wild and wonderous place where the little known vegetable gardener lurks, and where you can catch a glimpse of them in their natural habitat.
ooooohhh! tomatoes! I am eagerly awaiting my first tomatoes. The little white currant tomatoes I'm growing are looking close but none of the larger varieties look close at all.
I don't think I could ever do a fast. My blood sugar gets so low so fast. But awesome that you two can do it!
Yay on the cherry tomatoes! I'm about to get a few here soon. I really need to try growing the ground cherries again. I grew them way back and they did well, but I didn't know what to do with them. And you give me a great laugh with your promo for Harvest Mondays. With this heat wave you better be up early to catch me in my natural habitat. I hope your fasting goes well!
The first tomatoes! It must be summer. I do an occasional 24 hour fast, it does feel good if I've been a bit too indulgent and it does help to reset my sometimes overzealous appetite. I've never tried more than that though.
We are growing Sungold too which has just started to flower.
Tomatoes already?? Even if they are not that sweet, bet they tasted better than any ruby red grocery store purchase.
Hi Shawn Ann,
I looked up white currant tomatoes and they're so pretty. I've eaten red currant tomatoes before and they're lovely. We're expecting a big rain this weekend so I've been weeding like crazy.
Hi Dave,
The ground cherries next to the fence have been tiny, I'm hoping the larger plants make bigger fruit. I'm glad you like my little blurb. It seems like most gardeners deal in ornamentals, it feels like vegetable gardeners are actually rare.
Hi Michelle,
A longer fast feels just the same to me. I drink water and tea throughout the day, so don't feel like I'm starving or anything. It never seems to affect energy levels as well. Maybe it would be harder on someone who is very slender to begin with.
Hi Sue,
SunGold develops so quickly as a tomato, it's always one of the first to ripen. We're supposed to have lots of rain this weekend, hopefully it won't split the larger tomatoes.
Hi Margaret,
It's so exciting when the tomatoes start coming in. I can't wait for bigger tomatoes, so we can start making sandwiches. I already had to tie the tomato cages together, a few of them were starting to lean.
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