August 3, 2020

Harvest Monday, 8/3/20

There's a weird space time anomaly surrounding this year. It just seems never ending. I hope everyone is staying safe and taking care of yourselves mentally and physically. Now is the time to be extra kind to ourselves and to our loved ones.
Kale, free range greens, cucumbers, zucchini, fat green onion, and those slender greens stalks on the right are garlic chives, and a giant summer squash.
Tomatoes and summer squash.

We eat a lot of ramen soups or curry noodle soups with tomatoes, greens, squash, onions, and chives from the garden. We also make sandwiches with tomatoes, cucumbers, and sprouts.

We've gotten a tremendous amount of rain the last couple of weeks and the plants our suffering because of it. The only things doing well are greens and peppers. The greens especially, look vibrant and have had a surge of growth that I find astonishing. It's time to clear out the great majority of the beds, except the sweet potatoes, greens, and peppers will get to hang out awhile longer.

We are having a cooler and wetter than usual August, so it's probably the perfect time to get some lettuce, greens, winter radishes, kohlrabi, and a second planting of snap beans in the ground. I'll be putting off planting turnips and spinach because they're so sensitive to temperature spikes. And I've actually ordered onion and shallot sets for fall planting, which should arrive the 3rd week of September. I'm so excited to try this new experiment in fall planting.

Please join us for Harvest Monday as hosted by Dave from Happy Acres.


Eight Gate Farm NH said...

I love ramen soup, but can only have it with rice noodles (gluten allergy). I never thought of putting squash in it, or is that for the curry soup? Lovely harvests!

Dave @ HappyAcres said...

We've had over 5 inches of rain here in the last week, and our garden is squishy wet! The tomatoes especially seem to be suffering. I have plants ready for fall planting but it's too wet to work the soil right now. Is that a light green zucchini you have?

ediblegardens52/Sue Martin said...

So many lovely veggies. I see some good soups. I like garlic chives too--especially topping a soup.

Sue Garrett said...

I’m going to try autumn shallots if I can find them. The summer ones have been rubbish this year.

Belinda Robinson said...

We must be at the other end of the space-time anomaly as the months are flying by here! I hope your Autumn planting works, we certainly find over-wintering onions, garlic and broad beans to be successful.

Phuong said...

Hi Will,
I put squash in both the ramen and curry, so great. Tender and lightly sweet, they're actually lovely in soups.

Phuong said...

Hi Dave,
So much rain, and there's more coming. We're having a wet squishy year and the squashes and tomatoes are done for.

It's a yellow zucchini "Butta" that didn't get any sun so stayed light green. I have a hard time getting light green zucchinis to germinate, or they taste a bit off. I want to try the Armenian method of stuffing them and simmering them in a light tomato sauce.

Phuong said...

Hi Sue Martin,
I'm so glad I was finally able to get the garlic chives seeds to germinate, it took 2 or 3 packets to just get five plants. The seeds probably need to be really fresh to germinate, mine are actually getting ready to bloom now.

Phuong said...

Hi Sue Garrett,
I'm very excited to try fall onions and shallots. Blight and powdery mildew has been terrible this year, but I do have a few disease free beds to plant them in.

Phuong said...

Hi Belinda,
That's so funny, about us being on the opposite ends of the space time continuum. I think our summers are just too hot for onions and shallots to do well here, and I'm definitely planning to overwinter broad beans as well.

Margaret said...

The squash are so pretty! I didn't plant any in the garden this year, but they are on the list for 2021. Our weather has been just the opposite of yours - hot and dry. As with anything else, some plants love it while others suffer.