My husband and I want to get back into juicing vegetables. Normally we juice a mixture of carrots, apple, and celery together. Just a single glass of fresh vegetable juice a day makes a world of difference in mental acuity, reflex speed, and just a wonderfully heightened sense of being in your body and a general physicality.
I'm very much in my head most of the time but the rush of vitamins seems to increase the senses and really brings the world into sharp focus.
Part of the reason juicing tends to come in and out of our lives is because of the waste of pulp that juicing leaves behind. All the fiber and apple peelings that juicing inherently creates which is kind of a mental turnoff. There's only so much soups and baking and feeding to the dog along with rice that a person can do with the vegetable pulp.
Much more often we tended to do fruit smoothies: strawberry, blueberry, pineapple, oranges, etc. all blended together with soy milk in the blender. But once we had a baby that completely stopped. I've been making tons of baby food in that blender and using it for fruit smoothies seems so... Ugh. I don't want to. You can't make me.
Plus with fruit smoothies you don't get that sharpness, although you do get a sugar high but with all that fiber you're consuming there's no hard sugar crash.
But the baby is starting to get away from pureed baby foods and just eating what we normally eat. So. Hmmm. Juicing and fruit smoothies are starting to sound enticing again.
So, in the garden I've been planting carrots. Tons and tons of carrots. In preparation for juicing. To be honest I've just ordered more carrot seeds so I can plant even more carrots. If I could grow celery, I would because then I know what's in it and what's not in it.