May 28, 2015

About the New Garden

I’ve mentioned my new garden space. It’s actually at our new but very old house. My partner has been working diligently to make it move-in ready. So I’ve been visiting the garden a couple hours two days a week when time permits. With a baby, only one of us can be working at the new old house at a time and his remodeling takes precedence over the gardening bit. So this has definitely curtailed the amount of blogging I can do since there’s not much garden blogging material to work with. No time for pictures. I mostly run over there to weed and plant and there’s actually very little weeding going on.

My husband is doing a big push to finish the bathroom by the end of the weekend. But whether he’s finished or not. We are moving in.

The squirrels in the new neighborhood are incredibly fat. Incredibly fat. A neighbor calls them killer squirrels. She said they destroyed every one of her roma tomatoes, she didn’t get a single one from her plants. They would take one bite out of every green tomato. I’m hoping the tomato fencing will help to keep the squirrels out. The growth gets pretty dense inside the fencing, so hopefully they’ll have problems getting in there and maneuvering around.

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